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Global Poet

  |   Monday, 07 June 2021 | Print

Global Poet

Anna Ferriero

Poet Anna Ferriero of Italy


Anna Ferriero is an Italian poetess for peace and cultural contamination. Anna Ferriero was appointed WNWU member (member of the World Union of National Writers of Kazakhstan) by Muhammad Shanazar receiving, in November 2020, the highest degree of Doctor Causa Honoris in Creativity, Humanity and Culture, by Aziz Mountassir recognizing professional excellence and ‘exceptional leadership in favor of Nations for its high merits, a reason for honor and prestige in the contribution to education, science, culture and art in national and international fields in favour of Humanity by the Institutional Alliance of Creativity, Humanity and International Culture established by the International Forum of Creativity and Humanity established in the Kingdom of Morocco for Mexico with International headquarters in the Mexican Republic Mbizo Chrasha, an African poet, described her verses as follows: ANNA FERRIERO is a brilliant poet of international fame. His poetry is candlelight for the body of his audience. The lines have a sparkling rhythm like a musical ensemble of guitars, tamborini and drums. The sound of his verses is like the waves of a mighty sea that sometimes become soft like the flowing tenors of a great river. Reason is abundant and verbal dexterity is conservative while maintaining its literary ability. His poetry is translated into so many languages. A very talented human being.
Since May 2019 she has been appointed internationally renowned poetess and administrator of the poetry group “POETRY OF GLOBAL VISION” by Indian poet, lawyer, translator and researcher Vendhan Ezhil. He is a member of the International Writers Association IWA Bogdani. He is a member of the poets of the Albanian magazine ATUNISPOETRY directed by the Albanian poet Agron Shele. He has published two poetry collections (Magic of Love
Punto, Oltre l’Orizzinte) and two stories (The Crypt of Desires – Shadows in the Mirror). He has won numerous national and international awards and is featured in numerous national and international magazines, radio, online newspapers, reviews. He writes for numerous Italian, national and international newspapers and magazines. His works have been translated into: Croatian, Serbian, English, Bosnian, Chinese, Palestinian Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, Arabic Syrian, Hindi, Spanish, Albanian, Hungarian, Turkish, Swedish, Norwegian, Slovenian, Russian, Romanian, French, Bengali. Since 31 August 2019 she is a member of VOCES Y PLUMAS DE UNAMOS AL MUNDO CON LA POESÍA – Centro de México en Vision Universal Radio directed by Leticia Guzmán, Cristina Gonzalez and AHdez Felipe. In November 2019, she received from Romania the certificate for dedication to Culture and Humanity. In January 2020, her poem STRANGULATED TEARS translated into Turkish, won the first international prize at the city of Filetto – Italy. In November 2020 Anna was elected as a juror for the international literature competition WRITERS’ FESTIVAL of Cape Comorin Club – in Tamil Nadu, India. In January 2021, her poem Yakamoz translated into Turkish, won the third international prize at the first edition of the International Literary Competition Picàturi de suflet, an Italian-Romanian competition. Anna has been sworn in various national and international competitions both in Italy and abroad. She is one of the admin members of the Global Poet and Poetry group.


Poetry by Anna Ferriero



Le mie rose
sono il segno delle spose
calorose ed armoniose
sono in cielo gialle e rosse:
sembrano mimose!
La rosa, è fiore che riposa
che con grinta e tanta gioia
ti sfiora e ti consola.
Il fiore, è cuore del giardino
che nei sogni e nel Desìo
è la gioia del mio io!
Le mie rose, hanno il cuore a girasole
sono il simbolo del sole
e hanno il sole a girasole
sono simbolo del sole
e hanno il raggio del calore.
Sono lacrime svelate
che tra il mare e quegli scogli
scorge nuvole nascoste.
Queste rose,
rappresentano le Muse
che tra il cielo e quel candore
sono simbolo di vita
e dono di chi muore


My roses
they are the sign of the brides
warm and harmonious
are yellow and red in the sky:
they look like mimosas!
The rose is a resting flower
then with determination and a lot of joy
it touches you and comforts you.
The flower is the heart of the garden
then in dreams and Desìo
is the joy of my self!
My roses have a sunflower heart.
I am the symbol of the sun
and have a sunflower sun
they are a symbol of the sun
and they have the ray of heat.
They are tears revealed
then between the sea and those rocks
sees hidden clouds.
These roses,
represent the Muses
then between the sky and that whiteness
they are a symbol of life
and the gift of those who die.


Studiata e assai temuta
spaventa al solo sguardo
come Ursula stregata
fra pozioni e sogni infranti
l’incantesimo ha il suo inizio.
Nel cuor del Grande Mare
fra l’Ostro ed il Libeccio
miti ed utopie
si fondono
al passaggio con la schiuma.
Ma è una storia questa vita
di una donna dolce e bella
da Atena trasformata
per l’amor per Poseidone.
In bruttezza condannata
senza pace e castigata
questa povera Medusa
ebbe tanta ripugnanza.
Ma il suo cuore fu perenne
e dal sangue suo versato
Coralli ed Anfisbene, confluirono nel mare
osservanti ancora adesso
come alberi di sangue
fra l’Africa e l’Arabia


Studied and much feared
scares at the mere glance
like the bewitched Ursula
between potions and broken dreams
the spell has its beginning.
In the heart of the Great Sea
between Ostro and Libeccio
myths and utopias
they blend
when passing with the foam.
But this life is a story
of a sweet and beautiful woman
by Athena transformed
out of love for Poseidon.
In condemned ugliness
without peace and chastened
this poor Medusa
he had so much repugnance.
But his heart was everlasting
and from his bloodshed
Corals and Anfisbene merged into the sea
still observant now
like trees of blood
between Africa and Arabia.


Su un’amaca sudata di sabbia
sul finire dell’estate
dall’India il suo profumo
timido, vagante
annunzia nuove stelle
per quell’anima in tempesta.
Piedi di luna
fra lucciole marine
richiamo d’una dea
senza sole in apparenza
inchiostri di saggezza
in versi di cascate …
Di sabbia sudata
poco prima dell’Autunno
inchiostri di luce
eterna giovinezza


In a hammock sweaty with sand
at the end of the summer
its perfume from India
shy, wandering
announces new stars
for that soul in the storm.
Feet of the moon
among marine fireflies
call of a goddess
without the sun in appearance
inks of wisdom
the inverse of waterfalls …
Of sweaty sand
shortly before Autumn
light inks
eternal youth.


Una notte di luglio
nel cuore dell’alba
sembrava una fiaba, fra sogni e libertà
l’eterna Speranza.
Ma il lontano orizzonte, cancellato
non più incontaminato
per sempre, ormai
quella pace coltivata.
Si frantumò in terrore
il cuore della gioia
contornato dagli sguardi
di fede e di avvenenza.
È stata ormai annientata
dei Romanov la vita.
Bruciati e poi smembrati
ad Oriente degli Urali, dai tremendi Bolscevichi
grida di gabbiani
risuonarono incessanti.
Ma del sangue poi versato
una Chiesa prese vita
in ricordo d’un bel fiore
fra le nubi di quel cielo
finalmente ricordati, insieme, come Santi di Passione
come gli ultimi monarchi
che donarono alla Russia
bellezza e libertà, grande amore e umanità!


One night in July
in the heart of dawn
it seemed like a fairy tale, between dreams and freedom
eternal Hope.
But the distant horizon, erased
no longer pristine
forever now
that cultivated peace.
It shattered in terror
the heart of joy
surrounded by looks
of faith and attractiveness.
It has now been annihilated
the life of the Romanovs.
Burned and then dismembered
east of the Urals, by the terrible Bolsheviks
cries of seagulls
rang out incessantly.
But some blood then shed
a Church came to life
in memory of a beautiful flower
among the clouds of that sky
finally remembered, together, as Saints of the Passion
like the last monarchs
which they donated to Russia
beauty and freedom, great love and humanity!


Nuova ispirazione, inonda,
la mia vita senza sosta
profumi di luna, nascenti, di soppiatto
scherzano con garbo, in entusiasmo
un’ora prima del tramonto
quando il mare si richiude
con silenzio e grande attesa
tutto in blu si ridecora.
Lo spettacolo si schiude
è l’ora della festa
oro, blu e turchese
dai gabbiani in riva al mare
fra l’Asia e un po’ d’Europa
si riflettono al confine, in armonia
regalando un nuovo sogno, speranza mondiale
d’un viaggio eccezionale, un acquario naturale
per vivere ogni volta, con l’amore ancor profondo
sfiorando verso Oriente
il riflesso della luna, nuova nota scintillante
quando solo il plenilunio
nell’orchestra può danzare


New inspiration, flood,
my life without stopping
perfumes of the moon, rising, on the sly
they joke with grace, in enthusiasm
an hour before sunset
when the sea closes
with silence and great expectation
everything in blue is redecorated.
The show unfolds
it’s party time
gold, blue and turquoise
by seagulls by the sea
between Asia and a bit of Europe
they are reflected at the border, in harmony
giving a new dream, world hope
of an exceptional journey, a natural aquarium
to live every time, with love that is still deep
touching to the East
the reflection of the moon, a new sparkling note
when only the full moon
in the orchestra, he can dance


È giunta per davvero
la Vigilia tanto attesa
di fate e di fantasmi
è l’aria tutta intera.
Dopo anni di successi
grazie al piccolo tuo Twist
in America volato
la tua penna hai ritrovato!
Tra rifiuti e scacchi matti
la storia più remota
pian piano ha preso forma
la pagina passata:
“Se scegli il nome giusto
e propizio resterai
esso forse apparirà!”.
Con Scrooge e il vecchio Marley
tutto ha avuto inizio …
Le catene che hai forgiato
anello dopo anello
ricchezza t’han donato
e d’amore coronato.
Finalmente è quasi pronta
la Ballata di Natale
donando la speranza
di Perdono e tanta Pace:
forza, fate presto
che davanti al focolare
ha inizio
il Canto di Natale!


It has really come
the long-awaited Eve
of fairies and ghosts
it is the whole air.
After years of success
thanks to your little Twist
flew to America
you have found your pen!
Between waste and crazy chess
the most remote history
slowly took shape
the past page:
“If you choose the right name
and propitious you will stay
perhaps it will appear! ”.
With Scrooge and old Marley
it all began …
The chains you forged
ring after ring
wealth they have given you
and of crowned love.
It is finally almost ready
the Ballad of Christmas
giving hope
of Forgiveness and so much Peace:
come on, hurry up
then in front of the hearth
the Christmas Carol!


Nel cuore del Nepal
il messaggio hai lasciato
di un uomo comune
il tuo grande destino
il tuo duro cammino.
In ricchezza e danaro
la tua vita hai vissuto
donne e bellezza
il tuo cuore han rapito.
Per il bene d’un figlio
una villa ti fece
tuo padre infelice
una moglie ti diede.
Una sera d’un tratto
il tuo saldo verdetto
è iniziata l’ascesa
di mudra e di gemme.
Siddharta il tuo nome
hai donato il tuo cuore
per il grande coraggio
ti sei risvegliato


In the heart of Nepal
the message you left
of an ordinary man
your great destiny
your hard path.
In wealth and money
the life you lived
women and beauty
your heart they have stolen.
For the sake of a child
a villa made you
your unhappy father
a wife gave you.
Suddenly one evening
your steadfast verdict
the ascent has begun
of mudras and gems.
Siddhartha your name
you gave your heart
for the great courage
you woke up


Nacque in Recanati
nel borgo sobrio sobrio
un piccolo passato
dal profumo di lavanda
e bontà d’un passerotto.
Nel pieno dell’amore
la luce della vita
ma quel culto ferreo e oppresso
spense la tua gioia
in eterno pessimismo.
L’aroma della stampa
salvò l’animo in prigione
che persino il tuo Giordani
ti chiese di tradurre
e imparar come i pittori,
ma tu cambiasti fase
cantando molto altrove
oltre l’Orizzonte
affermando nei tuoi tratti:
“Per esprimere il mio mondo
ho bisogno dei miei versi
non più di quella prosa”.
La grande tua chiusura
ti fece faticare
ma l’ambiente famigliare
forse t’ha formato
e in dosi coronato.
Tu, il dolce passerotto
solo per i campi
hai cantato la tua Silvia
dolce e senza inganno
la tua tenera carezza.
Dal silenzio e poi al ritorno
ricordanze d’un villaggio
nel dì di quella festa
dove ha inizio l’infinito


He was born in Recanati
in the sober, sober village
a little past
with the scent of lavender
and the goodness of a sparrow.
In the midst of love
the light of life
but that iron and oppressed cult
turned off your joy
in eternal pessimism.
The aroma of the press
saved the soul in prison
then even your Giordani
he asked you to translate
and learn like painters,
but you changed phase
singing a lot elsewhere
over the horizon
stating in your features:
“To express my world
I need my verses
no more than that prose “.
Your great closure
it made you work hard
but the family environment
perhaps it formed you
and in crowned doses.
You, the sweet sparrow
only for fields
you sang your Silvia
sweet and without deception
your tender caress.
From silence and then to return
memories of a village
on the day of that party
where infinity begins.


Questa lacrima leggiadra
ha sfiorato il primo raggio
in disparte e senza orgoglio
è rimasta ad osservare
delle nubi il volteggiare.
È la docile ‘Mbriana
sulla Terra inesistente
ma un’abile attaccante.
La ascolti nei tuoi sogni
nelle lunghe veglie insonni
si diverte con le note: adora
il bacio della pioggia.
Nessuno l’ha mai vista
la donna misteriosa
amante dei mirtilli
che richiede con pazienza
ma se invano non l’ascolti
crea un danno esagerato:
sa farti innamorare!
Di perle e di turchese
è il colore del suo sguardo
dall’India proveniente
il suo gentile canto.
Nessuno l’ha mai vista
la bella ammaliatrice
ma un giorno la sua ombra
scelse la sua cavia.
L’unico ricordo, la bellezza dei capelli
fili di smeraldo e stelle di corallo
inciamparono nel mare:
lì, in S. Lucia
fra gli scogli di magenta dove
il mare ancor s’infrange


This graceful tear
touched the first ray
aloof and without pride
remained to observe
of the clouds circling.
It is the docile ‘Mbriana
on the nonexistent Earth
but a skilled striker.
You hear it in your dreams
in the long sleepless vigils
he has fun with the notes: he loves
the kiss of the rain.
No one has ever seen it
the mysterious woman
lover of blueberries
which requires patience
but if in vain you don’t listen to it
creates exaggerated damage:
knows how to make you fall in love!
Of pearls and turquoise
it is the color of his gaze
from India coming
his gentle song.
No one has ever seen it
the beautiful charmer
but one day its shadow
he chose his guinea pig.
The only memory, the beauty of the hair
emerald threads and coral stars
they stumbled into the sea:
there, in S. Lucia
among the magenta rocks where
the sea still breaks


Nelle notti troppo insonni
una lieve nostalgia
crudele nei miei sogni
speranzosa al nuovo inizio.
Nelle notti troppo insonni
nei miei sogni veritieri
alla luna mi rivolgo
e un treno di speranza
la vita mi colora!
Meditare ed osservare
le più grati melodie
e attraverso i vari Mudra
la salvezza d’ogni vita
quel treno di speranza


On too sleepless nights
a slight nostalgia
cruel in my dreams
hopeful for a new beginning.
On too sleepless nights
in my truthful dreams
I turn to the moon
and a train of hope
life colours for me!
Meditate and observe
the most graceful melodies
and through the various Mudras
the salvation of all life
that train of hope.

Translated from Italian to English

All rights reserve © Poet Anna Ferriero

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Posted 1:45 am | Monday, 07 June 2021

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