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Poet of the Day

  |   Thursday, 10 June 2021 | Print

Poet of the Day

Jack Matteo

Best Poem and Poet of the Day

5th June 2021


The world is electricity and I’m standing in water
Like a dormant sweet tempered monstrosity
I could Incredible Hulk but I’m not credible enough
I left my temper in the lost property of Delphic youth
It’s been donkeys years since I started a fire
I’ve almost forgotten what turning green feels like
They tell me not to be so dramatic and just breath
I used to be a psychopath but now my minds at ease
Well at least kinda relatively immaturity bought me peace
My rampage days are left in fragmented pieces
Is this what adulting is all about?
I vote overrated and I miss the merriment of lego
Little blue bricks to build me a pirate ship of rescue
Playing hide and seek in a lush green grass meadow
Sometimes I remember what turning green felt like
Buy me a mountain bike for Christmas and I’ll climb it
The sun likes to settle on my war torn skin
I’d separate from sadness but I want to feel everything
I’m complicated like a jigsaw puzzle with pieces missing
I’d buy a bouncy castle if it wasn’t for the cost of living
I’m just a broken underdog
I’ve faced the dark and it left me with bruises of dusk
I still stand on a beach of promise would be dust
Each grain of sand is a world of what might have been
I have lived and learned to know all things bittersweet
Just let me breathe and know the grains beneath my feet
I’d pray for rain but I don’t expect sand dunes to change
Wash away the sandness of my deserted waterfront
Because this place is a vacant Frankenstein
Ready to be buzzed back to life for the second time
I still remember what it means to turn a new leaf green
Like the leviathan half a man I was when I was 19
Bunny rabbits don’t get mad very often but when they do
They turn the world inside out in search of emerald food
If I’m going to be green again I’ll need your yellow and blue
Like fuel for my camouflaged battle tank
I’m almost ready to blitzkrieg but with quiet tranquillity
I’m about as happy as a savage like me can be
So shock me with your world of concentrated electricity
I’ll turn green one more time with human vulnerability
Hear my thunder in the sky.


Copyright@Jack Matte

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Posted 4:42 pm | Thursday, 10 June 2021

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